
ESGP is very proud of its alumni. Many of them have moved on after their time here into jobs in government, private industry, and academia. You can see a complete list of graduates, along with their research focus at the Theses and Dissertations page.

Where are they now? Here is a sampling of our most recent graduates from 2013-2018:

Recent PhD graduates

  • Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher, Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher, National Energy Technology Lab
  • Assistant Professor, Engineering Faculty, Corporacion University Lasallista, Antioquia, Columbia
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher, Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Assistant Professor, Biology and Environmental Science, Mount Vernon Nazarene University
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher, Center for Life Sciences Education at OSU
  • Product Innovations Manger, One Acre Fund (2)
  • Scientist, Engineer Research and Development Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Hydrologic Technician, USDA Agriculture Research Services
  • Instructor, Department of Geography, OSU-Lima
  • Staff Scientist, Office of Program and Planning Office, Sea Grant Knauss Fellow
  • Environmental Consultant, Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Recent MS graduates

  • Assistant, OARDC, The Ohio State University
  • Ohio EPA – Division of Drinking and Ground Waters
  • Food Safety Coordinator, University of Hawaii
  • Materials Review Specialist, Ohio Ecological Food and Farm
  • Arcadia Power
  • Community Program Coordinator, Utah Clean Energy
  • PhD Student in Environmental Science at OSU

Past ESGP Graduates: Where are they now?

Global Head of Practice for Environmental and Permitting Services, DNV GL, the world's foremost renewable energy consulting firm, Portland, Oregon (MS graduate).

Academic Institutions, including:

Ashford U., Case Western Reserve U., Cedarville C., Central C., Central Texas C., College at Wooster (2), U Connecticut, Cornell U., Dartmouth C., Denison U., Duke U., George Mason U., Hawaii Pacific U., Indiana-Purdue U., Kenyon C., Kent State U., Medical College of Ohio, Michigan State U, Morehead State U., Newberry C., U. North Carolina, Ohio Dominican U., Oklahoma State U., Oregon State U., OSU (3), Princeton U., Rider U., Rochester IT, Rose-Hulman IT, Rutgers U., SUNY-Syracuse, U. Illinois, U. New Hampshire, U. Oklahoma, U. Virginia, Virginia PI & SU, Swiss Federal I., Erciyes U. -Mustafa Kemal U. -Yuzuncu Yil U. (Turkey), Universiti Pertanina (Malaysia), U. Francisdo de Paula Santander (Colombia), (China,India), West Virginia U., K-12 (4)

Government Agencies, such as:

Argonne National Lab, California Dept of Pesticide Regulation, Minnesota Dept of Natural Resources, National Marine Mammal Lab, NOAA (2), NSF, Ohio DoD, Ohio DoEd, Ohio DoH (2), Ohio EPA (6), Pacific Northwest National Lab, Presidio Trust, South Carolina Dept of Health & Environmental Control, USDA (5), US DoD (2), US EPA (8), USGS (5)

Industry & Organizations:

ABS Materials, Inc, AEP, Battelle (6), Burgess & Niple, Carbonair, Chemical Abstracts, Cuyahoga National Park STEP Program, DuPont-Merck, Environ, Inc, Pharmaceuticals, Practical Farmers of Iowa, Groundwater & Environmental Services, Health Products, Houston Advanced Research Ctr, Hurdzan/Fry Environmental Golf Course Design, International Technologies,John Hopkins Medical Center, Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission, Shell Research, The Nature Conservancy, Time-Warner Communications, The World Bank, Utah Clean Energy (2)

This isn't a complete list, as not surprisingly, we haven't been able to keep track of every single ESGP graduate. If you have information to add to this page, please contact the ESGP Coordinator at We promise not to list your name or e-mail address.

We thank our alumni for their cooperation and willingness to stay involved with us even after they have left our program.