Degree and Specialization Information

M.S. and Ph.D. students can select one of five program options:

  1. General Study (no specialization)
  2. Agroecosystems Sciences
  3. Climate Change Science and Policy
  4. Water Issues
  5. Environmental Public Health

For General Study, all of the Core Coursework and Degree Requirements must be met. To earn a specialization, content-specific criteria must be met in addition to the requirements for General Study.

General Study (No Specialization)

ENV SCI MS Required Courses (20 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Data Analysis Methods (3 crhrs)  *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take that course. 

Remaining credits are a combination of research hours in your advisor’s home department and elective courses planned between you and your advisor.  Total credit hours must be at lest 30 to earn the MS. 

In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

ENV SCI PhD Course Requirement Courses (21-24 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Data Analysis Methods (3 crhrs) *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take the course. 

Grant Writing (1-4 crhrs)  *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take the course. 

Remaining credits are a combination of research hours in your advisor’s home department and elective courses planned between you and your advisor. Total credit hours must be at least 80 to earn the PhD.

In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

Agroecosystem Specialization

The whole-system approach to sustainable agricultural and food systems is the interdisciplinary area of agroecosystems sciences. Agroecology links ecology, culture, economics and society. Agroecosystems Science research areas include:

  • Local food system development, food system assessment and sustainability
  • Watershed ecology and participatory water quality management programs
  • Renewable energy from agroecosystems
  • Sustainability science and policy

Contact Douglas Jackson-Smith for more information about the specialization.

ENV SCI MS Required Courses (20 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Data Analysis Methods (3 crhrs)  *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take that course. 

Agroecosystem Sciences MS Required Courses (8 credits)

Choose 2 of these 3 course:
Entomology 7890    Agrosystems Special Topic (1 crhr)
ENR 8890.03            Agrosystems Special Topic (1 crhr)
EEOB 8890.03          Agrosystems Special Topic (1 crhr)

Geography 5220   Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (3 crhrs)

Elective (with advisor’s guidance and approval, select from the following list of ESGP courses) (3 crhrs):
AEDECON 6120     Applied Quantitative Methods II (4 crhrs)
AEDECON 7120     Adv Quantitative Methods II (3 crhrs)
AEDECON 7130     Adv Quantitative Methods III (3 crhrs)
CIVILEN 5420         Remote Sensing of Environment (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 7217        Applied Mathematical Ecology (3 crhrs)
FABENG 3510         Intro to Biological Engineering (4 crhrs)

Any remaining credits are a combination of research hours in your advisor’s home department and courses planned between you and your advisor. Total credit hours must be at least 30 to earn the MS.

In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

ENV SCI PhD Course Requirement Courses (21-24 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Data Analysis Methods (3 crhrs) *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take the course. 

Grant Writing (1-4 crhrs)  *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take the course. 

Agroecosystem Sciences PhD Required Courses (11 credits)

Choose 2 of these 3 course:
Entomology 7890    Agrosystems Special Topic (1 crhr)
ENR 8890.03            Agrosystems Special Topic (1 crhr)
EEOB 8890.03          Agrosystems Special Topic (1 crhr)

Geography 5220   Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (3 crhrs)

Elective (with advisor’s guidance and approval, select from the following list of ESGP courses) (6 crhrs):
AEDECON 6120     Applied Quantitative Methods II (4 crhrs)
AEDECON 7120     Adv Quantitative Methods II (3 crhrs)
AEDECON 7130     Adv Quantitative Methods III (3 crhrs)
CIVILEN 5420         Remote Sensing of Environment (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 7217        Applied Mathematical Ecology (3 crhrs)
FABENG 3510         Intro to Biological Engineering (4 crhrs)

Research Hours in Advisor’s home department (43-48 credits without a Master’s degree; 13-18 credits with a 30 credit hour Master’s degree)

Remaining credits are a combination of research hours in your advisor’s home department and courses planned between you and your advisor. Total credit hours must be 80 to earn the PhD.

In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

EEOB 5470                                      Community and Ecosystem Ecology (3 crhrs)
ENR 5225                                        Ecosystems Modeling (3 crhrs)
ENR 5250.01 & ENR 5250.02       Wetland Ecology Restoration & Wetland Field Laboratory (4 crhrs)
ENR 5263                                        Biology of Soil Ecosystems (3 crhrs)
HCS 5412                                        Agroecology of Grasslands and Prairies (3 crhrs)
HCS 5602                                        The Ecology of Agriculture (3 crhrs)
HCS 5621                                        Physiology of Cultivated Plants (3 crhrs)

AGSYSMT 5560                                                UAS and Remote Sensing in Agriculture (3 crhrs)
ENR 5222/FABENG 5310/ENVENG 5310      Ecological Engineering and Science (4 crhrs)
EARTHSCI 5651                                                Hydrogeology (4 crhrs)
FABENG 5320                                                   Agroecosystems (3 crhrs)

AEDECON 5330             Benefit-Cost Analysis (3 crhrs)
ENR 5600                        Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (3 crhrs)
ENR 8350                        Ecosystem Management Policy (3 crhrs)
CRPLAN 6410                 Planning for Sustainable Development (3 crhrs)
HCS 5100                        Advanced Cropping Systems (3 crhrs)
RURLSOC 5530              Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems (3 crhrs)
RURLSOC 7560              Environmental Sociology (3 crhrs) 

Climate Change Science and Policy Specialization

Research on climate change at both the scientific and policy-making level inherently requires an interdisciplinary approach that bridges the gap between social and natural sciences. Research themes addressed by the climate change specialization program include:

  • The global water cycle including causes and consequences of sea level rise, and sustainability of water resources
  • The global energy economy, including conventional and alternative energy sources, technology, and policy
  • Rapid climate change including changes in the mean and variation in temperature and precipitation and their effects on managed and natural ecosystems, including biodiversity and agroecosystems

Contact Gil Bohrer for more information about the specialization.

ENV SCI MS Required Courses (20 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Data Analysis Methods (3 crhrs)  *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take that course. 

Climate Change Science and Policy MS Required Courses (5 credits)

Special Topic     Climate Change special topic or an independent study with a climate change affiliated supervisor (2 crhrs)

Elective (with advisor’s guidance and approval, select from the following list of ESGP courses) (3 crhrs):
AEDECON 4320/ INTSTDS 4320        Energy, Environment, and the Economy (3 crhrs) 
ATMOSSC 5901                                    Climate System Modeling: Basics and Applications (3 crhrs)
ATMOSSC 5950                                    Atmospheric Thermodynamics (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5663                                     Global Biogeochemical Cycles  (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5650                                     Paleoclimatology (4 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5663/ PUBHLTH 5203       Geo-environment and Human Health (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5663                                     Global Change and Sustainability in the Earth System (4 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5650                                     Glaciology (4 crhrs) 
EEOB 5470                                            Community and Ecosystem Ecology (3 crhrs)         
ENR 5600                                               Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (3 crhrs)
GEOG 8902                                            Applied Climatology (3 crhrs)
GEOG 5802                                            Globalization and Environment (3 crhrs)
PUBAFRS 7500                                      Energy Policy and the Environment (3 crhrs)
PUBAFRS 7504                                      Science and Technology Policy (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5320                                     Climate Change and Human Health (3 crhrs)

Remaining credits are a combination of research hours in your advisor’s home department and courses planned between you and your advisor. Total credit hours must be 30 to earn the MS

In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

ENV SCI PhD Course Requirement Courses (21-24 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Data Analysis Methods (3 crhrs) *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take the course. 

Grant Writing (1-4 crhrs)  *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take the course. 

Climate Change Science and Policy PhD Required Courses (8 credits)

Special Topic     Climate Change special topic or an independent study with a climate change affiliated supervisor (2 crhrs)

Elective (with advisor’s guidance and approval, select from the following list of ESGP courses) (6 crhrs):
AEDECON 4320/ INTSTDS 4320        Energy, Environment, and the Economy (3 crhrs) 
ATMOSSC 5901                                    Climate System Modeling: Basics and Applications (3 crhrs)
ATMOSSC 5950                                    Atmospheric Thermodynamics (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5663                                     Global Biogeochemical Cycles  (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5650                                     Paleoclimatology (4 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5663/ PUBHLTH 5203       Geo-environment and Human Health (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5663                                     Global Change and Sustainability in the Earth System (4 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5650                                     Glaciology (4 crhrs) 
EEOB 5470                                            Community and Ecosystem Ecology (3 crhrs)         
ENR 5600                                               Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (3 crhrs)
GEOG 8902                                            Applied Climatology (3 crhrs)
GEOG 5802                                            Globalization and Environment (3 crhrs)
PUBAFRS 7500                                      Energy Policy and the Environment (3 crhrs)
PUBAFRS 7504                                      Science and Technology Policy (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5320                                     Climate Change and Human Health (3 crhrs)

Research Hours in Advisor’s home department (43-48 credits without a Master’s degree; 13-18 credits with a 30 credit hour Master’s degree)

Remaining credits are a combination of research hours in your advisor’s home department and courses planned between you and your advisor. Total credit hours must be at least 80 to earn the PhD.

In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

ASM 5786                                       Ecosystems Modeling (3 crhrs)
EEOB 4410                                     Conservation Biology (3 crhrs)
EEOB 5420                                     Aquatic Ecosystems - Ecology of Inland Waters (4 crhrs)
EEOB 5470                                     Community and Ecosystem Ecology (3 crhrs)
EEOB 6210                                      Ecotoxicology (3 crhrs)
ENR 5225                                        Ecosystems Modeling (3 crhrs)
ENR 5250.01 & ENR 5250.02       Wetland Ecology Restoration & Wetland Field Laboratory (4 crhrs)
ENR 5263                                        Biology of Soil Ecosystems (3 crhrs)
ENR 5270                                        Soil Fertility (3 crhrs)
ENR 5560                                        Rehabilitation/Restoration of Ecosystems (2 crhrs)
ENR 6610                                        Soil and Environmental Biochemistry (2 crhrs)
ENR 7333                                        Successional Dynamics of Forests (3 crhrs)
ENTMLGY 6410                              Insect Ecology and Evolutionary Processes (3 crhrs)
ENTMLGY 6701                              Biodiversity Analysis for Ecosystem Sustainability and Resilience (2 crhrs)
ENTMLGY 6704                              System Analysis, from Molecules to Ecosystems (2 crhrs)
ENVENG 7217                                Applied Mathematical Ecology (4 crhrs)
HCS 5602                                        The Ecology of Agriculture (3 crhrs)
MICRO 5150                                   Microbial Ecology (3 crhrs)
MICRO 5155                                   Environmental Microbiology (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6320                              Global Health and Environmental Microbiology (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7360                              Water Contamination: Sources and Health Impact (3 crhrs)

CHEM 6550       Atmospheric Chemistry (3 crhrs)
ENR 8710*        Soils and Climate Change (2 crhrs)
GEOG 5900       Climatology (3 crhrs)

*As this class is only 2 credit hours, include a petition to count one credit from the climate change elective for your Physical Science core.

AED 5330     Benefit-Cost Analysis (3 crhrs)
ENR 7380     Climate and Society (3 crhrs)
ENR 7400     Communicating Environmental Risk (3 crhrs)
LAW 8311     Climate Change Law (3 crhrs)

Environmental Public Health Specialization

Please submit your application through The Office of Graduate Admissions at The Ohio State University, by following these application instructions.  Applications are reviewed by the ESGP Graduate Studies Committee.  Do not use SOPHAS (Schools of Public Health Application Service) to apply to the ESGP MS or PhD program.

Understanding the intersection between public health and the environment requires an interdisciplinary approach. Epidemiology, toxicology, and global health are all being affected by climate change. Environmental public health research interests include:

  • Global health and environmental microbiology
  • Environmental health science
  • Epidemiology, toxicology, and public health
  • The role of the environment in public health issues

Contact Darryl Hood for more information for more information about the specialization.

ENV SCI MS Required Courses (20 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Data Analysis
PUBHBIO 6210    Applied Biostatistics I (3 crhrs) 

Public Health Required Courses (12 credits)

PUBHLTH 6010    Essentials of Public Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEPI 6410      Principles of Epidemiology (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6310     Principles of Environmental Health Science (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5315     Principles of Toxicology (3 crhrs)

Electives (3 credits)

With advisor’s guidance and approval, select from the list of approved ESGP core courses in Appendix II and/or from list of CPH-EPH approved courses in Appendix I.

Thesis (6 credits)

PUBHLTH 7999     Master’s Thesis Research in Public Health 


In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

ENV SCI PhD Course Requirement Courses (21-24 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge
PUBHEHS 6320     Global Health and Environmental Microbiology (3 crhrs)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Data Analysis
PUBHBIO 6210    Applied Biostatistics I (3 crhrs)

Grant Writing (1-4 crhrs)  *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take the course. 

Public Health Required Courses (24 credits)

PUBHLTH 6010    Essentials of Public Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEPI 6410      Principles of Epidemiology (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6310     Principles of Environmental Health Science (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5315     Principles of Toxicology (3 crhrs)

Select One:
PUBHEHS 6330     Molecular Techniques for Environmental Health Sciences (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7365     Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessment (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7380     Exposure Science Monitoring Techniques I (3 crhrs)

Research Methods Courses:
PUBHBIO 6211     Applied Biostatistics II (3 crhrs)
PUBHEPI 7411      Environmental Epidemiology (3 crhrs)

Select One:
PUBHBIO 7220     Applied Generalized Linear Models in Public Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHBIO 7225     Survey Sampling Methods (3 crhrs)
PUBHBIO 7240     Applied Statistical Analysis of Missing Data (3 crhrs)

Electives (9 credits)

With advisor’s guidance and approval, select from the list of approved ESGP Public Health courses in Appendix II and/or from list of CPH-EPH course in Appendix I.

Dissertation Research (27 credits)

PUBHLTH 8998     Pre-Candidacy Research Hours
PUBHLTH 8999     Post-Candidacy Research Hours 


In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

PUBHEHS 5340     Air Contaminants and Public Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5345     Infectious Disease Modeling in Humans & Animals (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6325     Climage Change and Human Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6390     Major Human DIseases in Global Public Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6411     Biological Basis of Public Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7380     Exposure Science Monitoring Techniques (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7411     Epidemiology in Environmental Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 8340     Molecular Techniques for Environmental Health Sciences (3 crhrs)

ASM 5786                                         Environmental Issues in East Asia (3 crhrs)
ENR 5250.01 & 5250.02                 Wetland Ecology Restoration & Wetland Field Laboratory (4 crhrs)
ENR 5263                                          Biology of Soil Ecosystems (3 crhrs)
ENR 5270                                          Soil Fertility (3 crhrs)
ENR 5560                                          Rehabilitation/Restoration of Ecosystems (2 crhrs)
ENR 6610                                          Soil and Environmental Biochemistry (2 crhrs)
ENR 7333                                          Successional Dynamics of Forests (3 crhrs)
ENTMLGY 6410                                Insect Ecology & Evolutionary Processes (3 crhrs)
ENTMLGY 6704                                System Analysis, from Molecules to Ecosystems (2 crhrs)
ENVENG 5217                                   Applied Mathematical Ecology (4 crhrs)
EEOB 5420                                        Aquatic Ecosystems - Ecology of Inland Waters (4 crhrs)
EEOB 5470                                        Community and Ecosystem Ecology (3 crhrs)
EEOB 6210                                        Ecotoxicology (3 crhrs)
HCS 5602                                          The Ecology of Agriculture (3 crhrs)
MICRO 5155                                     Environmental Microbiology (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5315                                Principles of Toxicology (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5335                                Ecology of Infectious Diseases (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5345                                Infectious Disease Modeling in Humans and Animals (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6320/FDSCTE 6320       Global Health and Environmental Microbiology (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6330                                Environmental Epigenetics (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6340                                Molecular Techniques for Environmental Health Sciences (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6390                                Human Disease in Global Public Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7375                                Quantitative Microbial Risk Analysis Modeling (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7411                                Epidemiology in Environmental Health (3 crhrs)

ENR 5310/FABENG 5310/ENVENG 5310       Ecological Engineering and Science (4 crhrs)
ENR 5260                                                           Soil Landscapes: Morphology, Genesis and Classification (3 crhrs)
ENR 5261                                                           Environmental Soil Physics (3 crhrs)
ENR 5262                                                           Soil Chemical Processes and Environmental Quality (3 crhrs)
ENR 5268                                                           Soils and Climate Change (2 crhrs)
ENR 5273                                                           Environmental Fate and Impact of Contaminants in Soil and Water (3 crhrs)
FABENG 5320                                                    Agroecosystems (3 crhrs)
FABENG 5500                                                    Design of Sustainable Waste Management Systems (3 crhrs)
GEOG 5900                                                        Weather, Climate and Global Warming (3 crhrs)
EARTHSCI 5621                                                 Introduction to Geochemistry (3 crhrs)
EARTHSCI 5651                                                 Hydrogeology (4 crhrs)
EARTHSCI 5718                                                 Aquatic Geochemistry (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 5195/PUBHEHS 5395                       Engineering Design for Environmental Health (3 crhrs)
CIVILEN 5130                                                     Applied Hydrology (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 5110                                                    Environmental Engineering Bioprocesses (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 5120                                                    Bioremediation of Groundwater and Soil (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 5140                                                    Air Quality Engineering (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 5410                                                    Hazardous Waste Management and Remediation (2 crhrs)
ENVENG 5430                                                    Principles of Risk Assessment (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 6100                                                    Environmental Engineering Analytical Methods (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 6220                                                    Data Analysis in Evironmental Engineering (3 crhrs)
CBE 5771                                                            Air Pollution (3 crhrs)
CHEM 6550                                                        Atmospheric Chemistry (3 crhrs)
PUBHLTH 6010                                                 Essentials of Public Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5315                                                 Principles of Toxicology (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5325                                                 Principles of Occupational Health Science (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 5340                                                 Air Contaminants and Public Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6310                                                 Principles of Environmental Health Science (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6325                                                 Climate Change and Human Health (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 6340                                                 Molecular Techniques for Environmental Health Sciences (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7360                                                 Water Contamination: Sources/Health Impact (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7365                                                 Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessment (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7380                                                 Exposure Science Monitoring Techniques I (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7382                                                 Exposure Science Monitoring Techniques II (3 crhrs)

AED 5330                                           Benefit-Cost Analysis (3 crhrs)
AED 6300/ENR 6330                        Environmental and Resources Economics (3 crhrs)
ANTHROP 5614                                Ethnobotany (3 crhrs)
ANTHROP 5623                                Environmental Anthropology (3 crhrs)
CRPLAN 6300                                    Law and Planning I: Land Use (3 crhrs)
CRPLAN 6310                                    Law and Planning II: Environment and Society (3 crhrs)
CRPLAN 6400                                    Site Planning and Development (4 crhrs)
CRPLAN 6410                                    Planning for Sustainable Development (3 crhrs)
CRPLAN 7270                                    Environmental and Energy Modeling (3 crhrs)
ENR 5325                                           Public Forest and Lands Policy (3 crhrs)
ENR 5451                                           Water Law (3 crhrs)
ENR 7400                                           Communicating Environmental Risk (3 crhrs)
ENR 7500/CRP 7500                         Resolving Social Conflict (3 crhrs)
ENR 7520                                           Environmental Science and Law (3 crhrs)
ENR 7380                                           Climate and Society (3 crhrs)
ENR 8350                                           Ecosystem Management Policy (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 6600                                   Assessment for Human Rights and Sustainbility (3 crhrs)
LAW 8309                                          Environmental Law (2-4 crhrs)
LAW 8311                                          Climate Change Law (3 crhrs)
PUBAFRS 5600/ENVENG 5600        Science, Engineering and Public Policy (3 crhrs)
PUBAFRS 6000                                  Public Policy Formulation and Implementation (4 crhrs)
PUBAFRS 6080                                  Public Affairs Program Evaluation (4 crhrs)
RURLSOC 5530                                 Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems (3 crhrs)
RURLSOC 7550                                 Rural Community Development in Theory and Practice (3 crhrs)
RURLSOC 7560                                 Environmental Sociology (3 crhrs)

Water Issues Specialization

Research on Earth’s water is interdisciplinary, requires ability to bridge the social and natural sciences and engineering. Water Specialization research areas include:

  • Water in global change
  • Water quantity, hydrologic forecasting and remote sensing
  • Water quality, the role of water in biogeochemical cycles
  • Consequences of human activities to aquatic ecosystem services
  • Consequences of aquatic ecosystem conditions to public health
  • Water rights in coupled human-natural systems
  • Water contaminant fate and ecotoxicity
  • Collaborative watershed planning
  • Transboundary water governance

Contact Michael Durand for more information for more information about the specialization.

ENV SCI MS Required Courses (20 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Data Analysis Methods (3 crhrs)  *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take that course. 

Water Issues MS Required Courses (4 credits)

ENR 8890.02     Ecological Restoration Seminar (1 crhr)

Elective (with advisor’s guidance and approval, select from the following list of ESGP courses) (3 crhrs):
ENR 5280               Stream Ecology (4 crhrs)
ENR 5345               Methods in Aquatic Ecology (4 crhrs)
ENR 5355               Aquacultures (3 crhrs)
ENR 7700               Watershed Ecology and Restoration (3 crhrs)
CIVILEN 5230         Transport Phenomena in Water Resources Engineering (3 crhrs)
CIVILEN 5420         Remote Sensing of Environment (3 crhrs)
CIVILEN 6230         Numerical Models in Water Resources Engineering (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 5120        Advanced Environmental Biotechnology (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 6210        Environmental Engineering Unit Operations (3 crhrs) 
EARTHSC 5206      Advanced Oceanography (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5655      Land Surface Hydrology (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5751      Quantitative Ground-Water Flow Modeling  (4 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5752      Contaminants in Aqueous Systems (4 crhrs)
FABENG 5730        Design of Agricultural Water Management Systems (3 crhrs)
FABENG 5750        Stream Geomorphology and Watershed Hydrology (3 crhrs)

Remaining credits are a combination of research hours in your advisor’s home department and courses planned between you and your advisor. Total credit hours must be 30 to earn the MS

In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

ENV SCI PhD Course Requirement Courses (21-24 credits)

ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)
ENV SCI 7899 ESGP Seminar (1 crhr)

ENV SCI 5170    Sustainability and the Circular Economy (3 crhrs)

Biological Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Physical Sciences Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Social Sciences/Policy Foundational Knowledge (3 crhrs) (choose from approved courses on ESGP website)

Entomology 7920    Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists (2 crhrs)

Data Analysis Methods (3 crhrs) *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take the course. 

Grant Writing (1-4 crhrs)  *Choose from approved courses on ESGP website. If you find a course you would like to take that is not on this list, please email Kelly Malone to get approval to take the course. 

Water Issues PhD Required Courses (7 credits)

ENR 8890.02     Ecological Restoration Seminar (1 crhr)

Elective (with advisor’s guidance and approval, select from the following list of ESGP courses) (3 crhrs):
ENR 5280               Stream Ecology (4 crhrs)
ENR 5345               Methods in Aquatic Ecology (4 crhrs)
ENR 5355               Aquacultures (3 crhrs)
ENR 7700               Watershed Ecology and Restoration (3 crhrs)
CIVILEN 5230         Transport Phenomena in Water Resources Engineering (3 crhrs)
CIVILEN 5420         Remote Sensing of Environment (3 crhrs)
CIVILEN 6230         Numerical Models in Water Resources Engineering (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 5120        Advanced Environmental Biotechnology (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 6210        Environmental Engineering Unit Operations (3 crhrs) 
EARTHSC 5206      Advanced Oceanography (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5655      Land Surface Hydrology (3 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5751      Quantitative Ground-Water Flow Modeling  (4 crhrs)
EARTHSC 5752      Contaminants in Aqueous Systems (4 crhrs)
FABENG 5730        Design of Agricultural Water Management Systems (3 crhrs)
FABENG 5750        Stream Geomorphology and Watershed Hydrology (3 crhrs)

Research Hours in Advisor’s home department (43-48 credits without a Master’s degree; 13-18 credits with a 30 credit hour Master’s degree)

Remaining credits are a combination of research hours in your advisor’s home department and courses planned between you and your advisor. Total credit hours must be at least 80 to earn the PhD.

In addition to the general Graduate School requirements of a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, students must meet specific college policies regarding grades in courses.

EEOB 5420                                      Aquatic Ecosystems - Ecology of Inland Waters (1.5-4 crhrs)
EEOB 6210                                      Ecotoxicology (3 crhrs)
ENR 5250.01 & ENR 5250.02       Wetland Ecology Restoration & Wetland Field Laboratory (3 crhrs)
PUBHEHS 7360                              Water Contamination: Sources and Health Impact (3 crhrs)

CIVILEN 5130           Applied Hydrology (3 crhrs)
EARTHSCI 5621       Introduction to Geochemistry (3 crhrs)
EARTHSCI 5651       Hydrogeology (3 crhrs)
EARTHSCI 5718       Aquatic Geochemistry (3 crhrs)
ENR 5273                 Environmental Fate and Impact of Contaminants in Soil and Water (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 5430         Principles of Risk Assessment (3 crhrs)
ENVENG 6100         Environmental Engineering Analytical Methods (3 crhrs)
FABENG 5550          Design of Sustainable Waste Management Systems (3 crhrs) 

ENR 5451             Water Law (3 crhrs)
ENR 8350             Ecosystem Management Law (3 crhrs)
LAW 8890.02       Environmental Law (2-4 crhrs)

Clarification: ESGP Specializations are not OSU Graduate Minors or Interdisciplinary Specializations

The specializations listed above apply only to ESGP students. Once an ESGP student completes the requirements for an ESGP specialization, the accomplishment is written onto the student’s official university transcript as a note under the degree program.

By contrast, there are other graduate minors and interdisciplinary specializations available at the university level that are open to any graduate students, including ESGP students. These are like “mini-degrees” outside of any one student’s graduate program. More information about these university-wide graduate minors/specializations can be found at the Graduate School.

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