ESGP foundational knowledge courses are approved by the Graduate Studies Committee. Any request to substitute core courses or required electives that are part of the specializations should be submitted via email to Kelly Malone ( These requests should be in the form of a letter of request from the student, a letter of support from the advisor and a syllabus for the course and should be submitted as soon as you know you are planning to petition and best case scenario, before you take the course.
Foundational Knowledge | Course Code | Course Department | Course Title | Credits |
ESGP Required | ENVI SCI 5170 | Environmental Science | Sustainability and Pollution Prevention Practices | 3 |
ESGP Required | ENTMLGY 7920 | Entomology | Presentation Skills for Interdisciplinary Scientists | 2 |
Biology | ENR 5263 | Environment & Natural Resources | Biology of Soil Ecosystems | 3 |
Biology | ENR 5560 | Environment & Natural Resources | The Dynamics of Ecosystem Restoration | 3 |
Biology | HCS 5602 | Horticulture & Crop Science | The Ecology of Agriculture | 3 |
Biology | PUBHEHS 5315 | Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences | Principles of Toxicology | 3 |
Biology | PUBHEHS 5335 | Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences | Ecology of Infectious Diseases | 3 |
Biology | PUBHEHS 7365 | Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences | Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessment | 3 |
Biology | PUBHEHS 7375 | Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences | Quantitative Microbial Risk Analysis Modeling | 3 |
Physical | ENR 5260 | Environment & Natural Resources | Soil Landscapes: Morphology, Genesis and Classification | 3 |
Physical | ENR 5261 | Environment & Natural Resources | Environmental Soil Physics | 3 |
Physical | ENR 5268 | Environment & Natural Resources | Soils and Climate Change | 2 |
Physical | ENR 5273 | Environment & Natural Resources | Environment Fate and Impact of Contaminants in Soil and Water | 2 |
Physical | ENR 5310/FABENG 5310 | Environment & Natural Resources/Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering | Ecological Engineering and Science | 3 |
Physical | ENVENG 5195/PUBHEHS 5195 | Environmental Engineering/Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences | Engineering Design for Environmental Health | 3 |
Physical | ENVENG 6400 | Environmental Engineering | Integrated Environmental Chemical Fate and Transport | 3 |
Physical | FABENG 5550 | Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering | Sustainable Waste Management Systems | 3 |
Physical | FABENG 5760 | Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering | Design of Urban Stormwater Control Measures | 3 |
Physical | PUBHEHS 6330 | Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences | Environmental Epigenetics | 3 |
Social | CRPLAN 6310 | City & Regional Planning | Law and Planning II: Environment and Society | 3 |
Social | CRPLAN 6400 | City & Regional Planning | Site Planning and Development | 4 |
Social | CRPLAN 6410 | City & Regional Planning | Planning for Sustainable Development | 3 |
Social | ENR 5325 | Environment & Natural Resources | Forest and Public Lands Policy | 3 |
Social | ENR 5451 | Environment & Natural Resources | Water Policy and Governance | 3 |
Social | ENR 7004 | Environment & Natural Resources | Social-Ecological Systems | 3 |
Social | ENR 7520 | Environment & Natural Resources | Environmental Science and Law | 3 |
Social | ENVENG 5600/PUBAFRS 5600 | Environmental Engineering/Public Affairs | Science, Engineering, and Public Policy | 3 |
Social | PUBAFRS 6000 | Public Affairs | Public Policy Formulation and Implementation | 4 |
Social | PUBAFRS 6080 | Public Affairs | Concepts and Methods of Program Evaluation | 4 |
Social | RURLSOC 7560 | Rural Sociology | Environmental Sociology | 3 |
Data Analysis Methods | GEOG 5103 | Geography | Intermediate Spatial Data Analysis | 3 |
Data Analysis Methods | GEOG 8102 | Geography | Advanced Spatial Data Analysis | 3 |
Data Analysis Methods | PUBHBIO 6211 | Public Health: Biostatistics | Applied Biostatistics II | 3 |
Data Analysis Methods | SOCIOL 6650 | Sociology | Categorical Data Analysis | 3 |
Data Analysis Methods | STAT 6450 | Statistics | Applied Regression Analysis | 4 |
Grant Writing | CHEM 6790/MICRO 6790 | Chemistry/Microbiology | Scientific Writing | 2 |
Grant Writing | EDUCST 7765 | Educational Studies | Grant Writing | 3 |
Grant Writing | EEOB 6620 | Evolution, Ecology, & Organismal Biology | Scientific Writing: Manuscripts | 1.5 |
Grant Writing | EEOB 6630 | Evolution, Ecology, & Organismal Biology | Scientific Writing: Proposals | 1.5 |
Grant Writing | PUBHHBP 8899.02 | Public Health: Health Behavior & Health Promotion | Second Year Doctoral Seminar in Health Behavior Health Promotion | 1 |
Approved Foundational Knowledge Courses in Biological Science
The objective of this area is to ensure that students are familiar with the diversity and functioning of organisms and the interactions among species and between organisms and the environment. Because the environmental sciences focus on the relationships between living organisms and their environment, the basic principles of ecology and a solid understanding of ecosystems structure and function is the focus of the ESGP area. This understanding can be gained through coursework that focuses on a particular taxon or a particular kind of ecosystem, but must be broadly applicable to any environment.
Agricultural Systems Management
- ASM 5786, Environmental Issues in East Asia, 3 semester hrs
Environment and Natural Resources
- ENR 5250.01, Wetland Ecology Restoration, 3 semester hrs and ENR 5250.02 Wetland Field Laboratory, 1 semester hr
- ENR 5263, Biology of Soil Ecosystems, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 5270, Soil Fertility, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 5560, The Dynamics of Ecosystem Restoration, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 7333, Successional Dynamics of Forests, 3 semester hrs
- ENTMLGY 5110/PLNTPATH 5110, Ecology and Management of Pathogens and Insects Affecting Trees in Forest and Urban Environments, 3 semester hrs
- ENTMLGY 6310, Insect Physiology and Molecular Biology, 3 semester hrs
- ENTMLGY 6410, Insect Ecology and Evolutionary Processes, 3 semester hrs
Environmental Engineering
- ENVENG 5217*, Applied Mathematical Ecology, 3 semester hrs
Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology
- EEOB 5420*, Aquatic Ecosystems - Ecology of Inland Waters, 1.5-4 semester hrs
- EEOB 5470*, Community and Ecosystem Ecology, 3 semester hrs
- EEOB 6210*, Ecotoxicology, 3 semester hrs
Horticulture and Crop Science
- HCS 5412, Agroecology of Grasslands and Prairies, 3 semester hrs
- HCS 5602, The Ecology of Agriculture, 3 semester hrs
- MICRO 5155, Environmental Microbiology, 3 semester hrs
- MICRO 6155, Microbial Ecology, 3 semester hrs
Plant Pathology
- PLNTPATH 5005, Beneficial Plant-associated Microbiomes and Plant Pathology Research, 2 semester hrs
- PLNTPATH 5110/ENTMLGY 5110, Ecology and Management of Pathogens and Insects Affecting Trees in Forest and Urban Environments, 3 semester hrs
Public Health (EHS)
- PUBHEHS 5315, Principles of Toxicology, 3 semester hrs
- PUBHEHS 5335, Ecology of Infectious Diseases, 3 semester hrs
- PUBHEHS 6320, Global Health and Environmental Microbiology, 3 semester hrs
- PUBH EHS 7360, Water Contamination: Sources and Health Impact, 3 semester hrs
- PUBHEHS 7365, Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessment, 3 semester hrs
- PUBHEHS 7375, Quantitative Microbial Risk Analysis Modeling, 3 semester hrs
Approved Foundational Knowledge Courses in Physical Science and Engineering
The objective of this area is to provide an understanding of physical structure and processes in which ecosystems must function. Physical structure includes soil, water, air, geological media, climate, nutrients, and contaminants. Physical science processes include movement of “abiotic” matter and energy through ecosystems. Foundational knowledge courses must (1) study fundamental physical, hydrological, chemical, or biogeochemical processes and (2) study and emphasize the effects of physical structure and processes on ecosystem biotic components and function and the interactions between the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem.
Agricultural Systems Management
- AGSYSMT 5560, UAS and Remote Sensing in Agriculture, 3 semester hrs
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- CBE 5771*, Air Pollution, 3 semester hrs
- CHEM 6550, Atmospheric Chemistry, 3 semester hrs
Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CIVENV 5130*, Applied Hydrology, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 5110*, Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 5120*, Bioremediation of Groundwater and Soil, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 5140*, Air Quality Engineering, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 5210, Advanced Physical Chemical Treatment Processes, 3 semester hrs
- PUBHEHS 5395/ENVENG 5195*, Engineering Design for Environmental Health, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 5410*, Hazardous Waste Management and Remediation, 2 semester hrs
- ENVENG 6100*, Environmental Engineering Analytical Methods, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 6200, Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 6218, Measurement and Modeling of Climate Change, 3 semester hours
- ENVENG 6220*, Data Analysis in Environmental Engineering, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 6400, Integrated Environmental Chemical Fate and Transport, 3 semester hrs
Earth Sciences
- EARTHSCI 5621, Introduction to Geochemistry, 3 semester hrs
- EARTHSCI 5651, Hydrogeology, 4 semester hr
- EARTH SCI 5656, Ecohydrology in a Changing Climate, 3 semester hrs
- EARTHSCI 5718, Aquatic Geochemistry, 3 semester hrs
Environment and Natural Resources
- ENR 5260, Soil Landscapes: Morphology, Genesis and Classification, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 5261, Environmental Soil Physics, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 5262, Environmental Soil Chemistry and Remediation, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 5268, Soils and Climate Change, 2 semester hrs
- ENR 5273, Environment Fate and Impact of Contaminants in Soil and Water, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 5310/FABENG 5310, Ecological Engineering and Science, 3 semester hrs
Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering
- ENR 5310/FABENG 5310, Ecological Engineering and Science, 3 semester hrs
- FABENG 5330, Environmental Biophysics, 3 semester hrs
- FABENG 5335/HCS 5335, Advances in High Throughput Phenotyping, 3 semester hrs
- FABENG 5550*, Sustainable Waste Management Systems, 3 semester hrs
- FABENG 5760*, Design of Urban Stormwater Control Measures, 3 semester hours
- GEOG 5900, Climatology: Weather, Climate, and Global Warming, 3 semester hrs
Public Health (EHS)
- PUBHEHS 6330, Environmental Epigenetics, 3 semester hrs
Approved Foundational Knowledge Courses in Social Sciences and Policy
The objective of this area is to provide an understanding of concepts related to the study of human society and/or individuals and their relationships to the structure and function of the ecosystem(s) of which they are a part. Methodology includes a range of approaches, both qualitative and quantitative. Foundational Knowledge courses in social science must engage social science in a combined theoretical and/or applied study of a physical, cultural, regulatory, or economic relationship between humans and the natural and physical environment
Agricultural, Environmental and Developmental Economics
- AEDECON 5330, Benefit-Cost Analysis, 3 semester hrs
- AEDECON 6300, Environmental and Resources Economics, 3 semester hrs
- AEDECON 6330, Cost-Benefit Analysis, 3 semester hrs
- ANTH 5614*, Ethnobotany, 3 semester hours
City and Regional Planning
- CRPLAN 6300*, Law and Planning I: Land Use, 3 semester hrs
- CRPLAN 6310*, Law and Planning II: Environment and Society, 3 semester hrs
- CRPLAN 6400*, Site Planning and Development, 4 semester hrs
- CRPLAN 6410*, Planning for Sustainable Development, 3 semester hrs
- CRPLAN 6750, Resolving Social Conflict, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 5600/PUBAFRS 5600, Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 6600, Assessment for Human Rights and Sustainability, 3 semester hrs
- ISE 5830, Decision Analysis, 3 semester hrs
Environment and Natural Resources
- ENR 5325, Forest and Public Lands Policy, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 5451, Water Policy and Governance, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 5600, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 7004, Social-Ecological Systems, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 7150, Environment, Risk, and Decision Making, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 7380, Climate and Society, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 7400, Communicating Environmental Risk, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 7425, Collective Action in Environmental Governance, 3 semester hrs
- ENR 7520, Environmental Science and Law, 3 semester hrs
- GEOG 5300, Geography of Transportation, 3 semester hrs
Public Affairs
- PUBAFRS 5600/ENVENG 5600, Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, 3 semester hrs
- PUBAFRS 6000, Public Policy Formulation and Implementation, 4 semester hrs
- PUBAFRS 6080, Concepts and Methods of Program Evaluation, 4 semester hrs
Rural Sociology
- RURLSOC 5530, Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems, 3 semester hrs
- RURLSOC 7550, Rural Community Development in Theory and Practice, 3 semester hrs
- RURLSOC 7560, Environmental Sociology, 3 semester hrs
Approved Courses in Data Analysis Methods
Agricultural, Environmental and Developmental Economics
- AEDECON 6110, Applied Quantitative Methods I, 4 semester hrs
- AEDECON 6130, Applied Quantitative Methods III, 4 semester hrs
Agricultural Systems Management
- AGSYSMT 5580, Data Analytics in Production Agriculture, 3 semester hrs
- CHEM 7140, Analytical Spectroscopy, 3 semester hrs
Earth Sciences
- EARTHSC 5641, Geostatistics, 3 semester hrs
- ENTMLGY 6707, Entomological Techniques and Data Analysis, 3 semester hrs
Environment and Natural Resources
- ENR 8780, Quantitative Methods for Environment and Natural Resources, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 6610, Analytic Frameworks for Analysis of Science, Engineering, and Policy, 3 semester hrs
- ENVENG 6220, Data Analysis in Environmental Engineering, 3 semester hrs
- GEOG 5103, Intermediate Spatial Data Analysis, 3 semester hrs
- GEOG 5229, Emerging Topics in GIS: Spatial Data Analytics in R, 3 semester hrs
- GEOG 8102, Advanced Spatial Data Analysis, 3 semester hrs
Horticulture and Crop Science
- HCS 5887, Introduction to Experimental Design, 3 semester hrs
- MICRO 5165, Introduction to Computational Genomics, 3 semester hrs
- MICRO 8161*, Microbiome Informatics, 3 semester hrs
Public Health
- PUBHBIO 6210*, Applied Biostatistics I, 3 semester hrs
- PUBHBIO 6211*, Applied Biostatistics II, 3 semester hrs
- PUBHBIO 7225*, Survey Sampling Methods, 3 semester hrs
- SOCIOL 6650*, Categorical Data Analysis, 3 semester hrs
- STAT 6450, Applied Regression Analysis, 4 semester hrs
Approved Courses in Grant Writing
Animal Sciences
- ANIMSCI 6100*, Research Methods and Writing in Animal Sciences, 1 semester hrs
- ANT 8828, Writing Research Proposals in Anthropology, 3 semester hrs
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
- BSGP 7070, Fundamentals of Grant Writing, 4 semester hrs
- CHEM 6790/MICRO 6790, Scientific Writing, 2 semester hrs
City & Regional Planning
- CRPLAN 6610, Grant Writing in the Public Sector, 3 semester hrs
Educational Studies
- EDUCST 7765, Grant Writing, 3 semester hrs
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
- EEOB 6620, Scientific Writing: Manuscripts, 1.5 semester hrs AND EEOB 6630, Scientific Writing: Proposals, 1.5 semester hrs (must take both to fulfill the requirement)
- ENTMLGY 7930, Scientific Writing and Grant Proposal Development, 2 semester hrs
Public Affairs
- PUBAFRS 7501, Grant Writing in the Public Sector, 3 semester hrs
Public Health
- PUBHHBP 8899.02*, Second Year Doctoral Seminar in Health Behavior Health Promotion, 1 semester hrs
* Course description only