Guest Speaker - Dr. William J Mitsch

Mitch's research focused on Bat Echolocation, animal sounds and vibration
April 6, 2018
All Day
Physics Research Building, Smith Seminar Room

Dr. Mitsch is Eminent Scholar and Director, Everglades Wetland Research Park and Sproul Chair for Southwest Florida Habitat Restoration, Florida Gulf Coast University, Naples Florida. He is Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science and Founding Director of the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, The Ohio State University, and has Courtesy Professorships at Universities of South Florida, Florida, and Notre Dame. He was Editor-in-Chief of Ecological Engineering for 25 years after founding it in 1992. In 2004 he was awarded the Stockholm Water Prize by the King of Sweden and in 2010 an Einstein Professor by the Chinese Academy of Sciences among his many awards. He completed the 5th edition of the standard textbook “Wetlands” in 2015. He has completed 78 graduate students through thesis or dissertation, 55 of which were at The Ohio State University during his 26-year career there.  He is currently advising 4 graduate students in Florida and 19 of his former students and post-docs are currently teaching wetland ecology and related topics in universities around the world.

***Please note the room change***

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